Wednesday, December 31, 2014

MTC Day 3

Despite the 4 degree temperature this morning, we made it to the MTC.  Today we had a 45 minute teaching exercise with an "investigator."  I'm not sure it was the best missionary lesson ever given, but we survived.  In addition, we had some one-on-one and companionship teaching exercises.  Although I am not a fan of role-playing, I understand the benefits of actual teaching practice.  In all of our exercises, asking questions and listening is being stressed.  I wholeheartedly agree with that teaching approach.  Maybe we should have the ward Sunday School teachers go through the MTC teaching training.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

MTC Day 2

It was 10 degrees when we left home to drive to the MTC today and again 10 degrees when we drove home following the evening MTC devotional.  The appeal of the weather awaiting us in Florida is increasing.

The general theme of the training in the MTC today was teaching.  We worked with young returned missionaries on how to introduce people to the gospel and how to issue invitations to people and make commitments.  We did some role playing which is not my favorite teaching approach.  But it did help us become a bit more acquainted with the other senior couples in our district.

The Peterson's recently moved from Sandy, UT to Hurricane, UT.  This is their third senior couple mission.  They will be going to Beijing, China as humanitarian missionaries.  The Seller's are from Layton.  Their humanitarian services mission to the Dominican Republic will be their second full-time senior couple mission.  The Tracy's are from northern California and will be serving their first mission as MLS missionaries in Atlanta, GA.

For me, one of the highlights of the day was happening to see several friends who have callings at the MTC.

Monday, December 29, 2014

MTC Day 1

We entered the MTC today with some difficulty.  We had a major snowstorm overnight, so the two mile drive to the MTC was rather treacherous.  One of the other senior missionary couples was involved in a major accident and ended up being driven by a Utah Highway Patrol trooper to the MTC.

Our first day was checking in and orientation.  There are about 85 senior missionaries in our group.  The above picture is of 1/3 of our incoming group.  (We are the second couple from the left.)  We were told there are between 85 and 100 senior missionaries entering the MTC each week.  (By contrast, there will be 500 young missionaries entering on Wednesday.)  The reason for the odd number in our group is that we have several senior single sister missionaries.  Several couples are beginning their second or third mission, several are going to serve as full-time, live-at-home missionaries, and a number will be serving in the Family History Center in Salt Lake City.  I believe we may be the only couple who will be living at home while attending the MTC.

Our calling as Member and Leader Support missionaries means that we will only be in the MTC for five days.  Several other types of missions, such as Family History and Humanitarian Services, require two weeks in the MTC.