Thursday, June 25, 2015

More Inspections and More Driving

Today we drove to Tampa to inspect two apartments.  We are beginning to get the inspecting process down, and it takes us about 30 minutes in an apartment, longer if there are issues.  The big challenge is that the apartments are at least 30 minutes apart.  Unfortunately, the route that the GPS directed us to follow between the apartments today wasn't available because of construction and detours.  So instead of the expected 30 minutes it took over 45 minutes.

I didn't want to drive back in the midst of rush hour traffic, so after the last apartment inspection, we went to a large shopping mall, International Plaza.  I think this might be the largest mall in Tampa.  Of course, all malls seem about the same to me.  Most of the stores are the same as in the University Town Center Mall near us.  I guess the biggest difference is there is a Nordstrom's in the International Plaza.  We ate dinner there, and then had an easy 60 minute drive back to Sarasota.

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